So, now that you know what paint to use, you started changing the color of that old wall?

When it’s time to give a new face to the house, painting is always an excellent idea. After all, it
is quickly possible to change an environment in a very impactful way, creating a totally
different feeling for the room.
Colors bring new life to the home! But, to achieve this, it is essential to understand the
difference between acrylic and latex paint in order to correctly choose the tone for each
Thus, knowing the indications for acrylic and latex paint is super important, as this way you can
guarantee the choice of the right material for the environment you are going to paint and also
for the result you want.
Are you going to build or renovate and are you a little lost in the choice of paints? Read this full
content and know everything about the topic!
What is acrylic paint?
Acrylic paint, in general, has a value around 30% higher than latex – and this is related to its
quality, which is usually higher. The difference between acrylic and latex paint, which justifies
this higher value, is the resin that is present in greater quantities in the acrylic, which ends up
bringing more resistance and durability to the paint.
Today, this is the most common paint on the market, after all, it offers a series of advantages
such as:
faster drying;
soluble in water;
high impermeability (can also be used outdoors).
As we have seen, this is a resistant paint that is easy to clean and has an efficient coverage in
the first coat. In addition, acrylic paint can be found in matte – with a little shine – and glossy
versions. Painting house newton